Statistics, Methods,
and Research Training

Build your skills, unlock new insights, and advance your research with our workshops and online courses. Invest in yourself today!

Who we are.

SMART Workshops was co-founded in 2024 by Aidan Wright, Jeffrey Girard, and Kelley Kidwell. It represents an evolution of the Pittsburgh Summer Methodology Series, which ran from 2016–2023, and is intended as a mechanism for sharing high quality and affordable training in statistics and research methods. We offer our own trainings and partner with top instructors to expand our catalog.

What we do.

Our workshops and online courses are taught by expert instructors from quantitative psychology, biostatistics, and data science. They range from introductory to advanced skill levels and are targeted at graduate students, staff, faculty, and professionals. They also cover a wide range of topic areas spanning best practices for data collection, processing, analysis, and visualization.

“The most exciting and gratifying part about teaching folks new methods is that you get to see people think about their theory and research questions in new ways. They start asking questions that never occurred to them to ask before. You can literally see science moving forward.”

— Aidan Wright, Co-Founder of SMART Workshops